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  • Worker cutting stone with a grinder surrounded by silicosis causing dust

    Easier and faster access to WorkCover Entitlements for those workers exposed to Silica

    If you are or were exposed to respirable silica dust at work and have been diagnosed with silicosis with or without lung cancer and/or scleroderma you may be automatically entitled to WorkCover entitlements.

    READ MORE about Easier and faster access to WorkCover Entitlements for those workers exposed to Silica
  • Victoria

    Statutory maximum of over $630,000 achieved for one of our terminally ill WorkCover clients.

    Zaparas Lawyers has assisted one of their terminally ill WorkCover occupational disease clients achieve the statutory maximum non-economic payment in the form of an impairment benefit of over $630,000. This is just one of a number of successful statutory maximum outcomes achieved in recent years for the firm’s terminally ill clients.

    READ MORE about Statutory maximum of over $630,000 achieved for one of our terminally ill WorkCover clients.
  • Worker cutting concrete whilst dust flows around them creating an environment that can cause silicosis

    WorkCover Entitlements for Occupational Diseases

    If a worker contracts a disease as a result of exposure to risk factors arising from the nature of employment, that disease may be classified as an occupational disease. Are there any entitlements?

    READ MORE about WorkCover Entitlements for Occupational Diseases
  • New firefighters walking back to their firetruck

    A Firefighter’s Entitlements under WorkCover

    Past and current firefighters are automatically entitled to WorkCover compensation under the presumption that their cancer was caused by their service, provided they meet certain criteria.

    READ MORE about A Firefighter’s Entitlements under WorkCover